Exclusive rights and customs protection of Olympic symbols - personal belongings-3时间(TIME):2022-02-09 22:28:57


If the inbound and outbound articles infringing the exclusive right of the Olympic symbols exceed the reasonable quantity for their own use, the Customs will deal with them according to the infringing goods, confiscate them and impose a fine based on the Law. If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to the Law.      


Article 31 of the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the Customs Protection of intellectual property rights: if the inbound and outbound articles carried or mailed by individuals exceed their own use and reasonable quantity, and infringe the intellectual property rights specified in Article 2 of these regulations, they shall be treated as infringing goods.        

Article 25 of the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the implementation of Customs administrative penalties: Whoever imports or exports goods that infringe the intellectual property rights protected by the Laws and Administrative Regulations of the people's Republic of China shall confiscate the infringing goods and impose a fine of less than 30% of the value of the goods; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated based on the Law.

助孕公司合不合法 寻求助孕 助孕哪里做的好 助孕的流程 有助孕成功的吗 助孕选性别多少费用 在哪可以找到助孕的 助孕机构名称 赴美助孕生孩子要多少费用 国内助孕流程 哪里有做助孕的 哪里有助孕机构 助孕妈妈要花多少费用 正规助孕机构电话 助孕需多少费用 包成功助孕哪家放心 国内助孕公司有哪些 助孕产子合法吗 专业的助孕包成功费用表 国内助孕可靠吗

上一条:奥林匹克标志专有权海关保护— 个人物品 2
版权所有@2023 Copyright 东莞市利泽斯进出口有限公司 (Dongguan Liser Import and Export Limited) 粤ICP备20023190号

助孕公司合不合法 寻求助孕 助孕哪里做的好 助孕的流程 有助孕成功的吗 助孕选性别多少费用 在哪可以找到助孕的 助孕机构名称 赴美助孕生孩子要多少费用 国内助孕流程 哪里有做助孕的 哪里有助孕机构 助孕妈妈要花多少费用 正规助孕机构电话 助孕需多少费用 包成功助孕哪家放心 国内助孕公司有哪些 助孕产子合法吗 专业的助孕包成功费用表 国内助孕可靠吗

