
2. 采代理服务根据为企业采购物资及计算比率收取佣金。。

3. 报关代理提供报关文件申报货物进出口业务。

1. Tax refund agent: in accordance with the announcement No. 35, 2017 of the State Taxation Administration, export tax refund (Exemption) would be handled on behalf of domestic production enterprises, providing one-stop customs clearance, foreign exchange settlement, tax refund, logistics and other import and export services required in foreign trading, and proving more convenient services for manufacturers.

2. Procurement agency: commission would be collected according to the value of the signed purchased contract and its fees calculated formular.

3. Customs clearance agent: prepare customs declaration documents to report to the China Customs for import and export goods purpose.

版权所有@2023 Copyright 东莞市利泽斯进出口有限公司 (Dongguan Liser Import and Export Limited) 粤ICP备20023190号

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